The article also states that with the viruses being smeared on a touchscreen, that "30-percent of it will find its way to your fingers" and on to other parts of your body, including your eyes and mouth. But it doesn't just end with touchscreens and dial pads. This can include various things that we use on a somewhat regular basis but maybe do not think about. One of these things is an ATM, which I can see how this could be affected by many people with how often I see lines at them. Personally after I use an ATM, I do not usually think, "Hey! Let me whip out my hand sanitizer." Another area where bacteria seems to spread rapidly is at the movies, especially those with 3D and the use of recycled 3-D glasses. So with all this technology that we like to enjoy and can actually interact with using our hands, we need to make sure that we are trying to properly clean them or at least our hands after using them.