Friday, October 15, 2010

Eyetracker news article

This news I found it first at this site, found a word link to this one, and landed at the original source

Basically, this news is about a new invention for automobiles. It was invented in Germany and is being put on display soon. The invention is cameras made to assess your level of sleepiness. The hope is of course to reduce the amount of collisions. It is called "The Eyetracker". As I searched for a post to talk about, this one was one of the first that showed. I have thoughts for and against this. I agree that people falling asleep while driving occurs often and if it can be stopped, yay. I think I would also tend to agree with those who would think that this would be too much. I posed links to the articles I looked at, I wasn't sure if she wanted us to post the entire thing on the blog, feel free to comment. The picture is also from those websites, that was the only one I saw to use.

1 comment:

  1. It's sort of clear how this might work in a car, but it's still a prototype, right? How expensive is it and will car manufactures add it as an option, or will it be required? Many ideas, but sleepiness is one major reason for fatal accidents. Will beeping (like alarm clocks) help?
